As of now, my whole story will remain
untold because it is way too unbelievable
and long. I still have issues in court, all
stemming from two fraudulent domestic
violence charges, the first one in 2009. Also, I am certain of more judicial retaliation. After filling a judicial complaint about the alienation of my children and the denial of my parental rights, I was further denied the rest of my rights. I was beside myself in disbelieve that I was still in America. I would have much rathered been tied to a whipping post. The end result: my two girls have been poisoned and illegally alienated from me and my family with absolutely no cause. I have not seen or communicated with them for 4yrs. now.
I lost my house, my business, my retirement plan,savings and all my possessions . All on false allegations and lies from my X-wife who is diagnosed with anger management issues and displays bi-polar narccisist behavior. My girls are living under intimidation, they are being deprived of their father, they are being abused by their mother, and they are being used as pawns in a battle for which they did not sign up. They were poisoned and coached by my X`s unethical attorney... all with the full knowledge and permission of the court .
They should take the "Family" out of Family Court and call it "Legal corruption lawyer`s trap extortion court." I have not witnessed anything occurring in Family Court that would even remotely represent the best interest of the children. It is hard to believe there is more interest and exposure in animal abuse than the abuse and descrimination we dads are delt in divorce court.