My ex-wife would make up any lie to get what she wanted. What she wanted was to alienate me from my kids and move them out of state. We divorced, had a 50/50 child custody stipulation ordered by the court, and reconciled. When our reconciliation failed, she manufactured false allegations of domestic violence against me. She then left the state with our kids in violation of our court ordered custody agreement. Before leaving, she obtained permission from the local DA's office, based on her false allegations of domestic violence, to violate our existing court ordered custody agreement. Then she sought "temporary emergency jurisdiction" from a court in another state. She obtained restraining orders in that state preventing me from seeing my kids for almost two years. By the time I was able to get the charges disposed in my favor, I had been prevented from seeing my children for almost two years under the "temporary emergency jurisdiction"of a court in another state. Then the courts in my home state decided that my home state - the state where she and I lived with our kids before she left the state - was an "inconvenient forum" because so much time had passed and most of the evidence of the best interests of the child was in the other state. My home state passed on jurisdiction to the state to which my ex moved. By that time, I hadn't seen my kids for almost two years and had spent about $100,000 in attorney fees. The fact that I had no contact with my kids for almost two years-- even though I was prevented by the courts from having contact with them -- was used by my wife to claim it was not in my kids' best interest to have contact with me except under supervised visitation with lots of rules and professional evaluations. I gave up and didn't fight for custody in the other state because I couldn't afford the fight, and it was clear I was going to lose anyway. Once she got what she wanted -- to live in the other state -- she let me have some contact with my children. Four years later, the kids were taken from her home by CPS in the state she lived in after I called the police upon receiving a phone call from her. The police found her drunk and she had been beaten by a man she was living with -- with my kids present. She was able to prevent the kids from being placed with me after they were taken from her by CPS by telling them I was a perpetrator of domestic violence. My pre-planed summer vacation was cancelled and the court forced me to go through a "treatment plan" before I could even see my kids. Keep in mind I had nothing to do with the CPS involvement other than sending the police to my ex-wife's residence in another state and this was years after the most recent allegation of domestic violence. Even though I had significant contact with my kids right up until they were taken from their mother by CPS, the other state allowed her to undergo a treatment plan and placed the kids with her mother in the other state instead of with me. I completed my treatment plan months before her (which just was an evaluation by a MFT and it came back with no concerns), but the court said it was in the best interest of the kids to be reunited with their mother and not me. Today, my kids are back living with my ex-wife in another state, in the home of a man that was convicted of beating her in front of my kids. The worst part is that I'm a family law attorney and I still couldn't prevent all of this. What chances does a father who is not a family law lawyer have? None. The family law system is seriously flawed and it needs to change.