If I didn't live it, I wouldn't believe it myself.  I didn't
 break a single marriage vow, I spent my life savings
 designing and building a house to raise my family,
 yet when Sarah, my wife of only seven years, who
 obtained her Masters and PhD at my expense, announced she was having an affair and filing for divorce, the family court did nothing to protect me, my 807 credit score, my New Hampshire home, or my children who were pleading to live with me. When Sarah objected to, then obstructed equal custody, the court instead granted every one of HER delay motions over my objections until I could no longer afford a lawyer. Then the judge gave away my home and my children, and made child support retroactive leaving me $22,000 in arrears.  The day he made the order he had me incarcerated for retaliation for my testifying at the judge's impeachment hearing.  

My children reported to an investigator that mom hit  them repeatedly with a baseball bat. A notarized affidavit made public record by a lawyer who worked in the office of the former New Hampshire attorney general clearly stated that the investigator assigned to my case did not “INVESTIGATE ANY OF THE INCIDENTS REGARDING ABUSES (by my ex wife) CLAIMED BY THE CHILDREN.” 

And to see the role judicial corruption plays in all this, check out Carol Rhodes on You Tube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOC58c-Ibdk

Title IV-D and Corruption:  “The federal incentives drive the system. The more divorces, and the higher the child-support guidelines are set and enforced (no matter how unreasonable), the more money the state bureaucracy collects from the Feds. Follow the money. The less time that non-custodial parents (usually fathers) are permitted to be with their children, the more child support they must pay into the state fund, and the higher the federal bonus to the states for collecting the money. " 
- Phyllis Schlafly

Google the following:
'A Child's Right strongly supports the work of Lary Holland and The Nationwide Blueprint for Title IV-D Reform Summary of Title IV-D Funding and Incentives to Create Non-Custodial Parents'

Joseph's Story...
Mom Swings at the Kids With a Louisville Slugger.
The Court Knocks Dad's Rights Out of the Park...