Father and two sons subjected to a divorce filing initiated by his now ex-wife in New Hampshire on September 11th, 2007. Subject's ex-wife and her attorney are guilty of committing fraud upon the court by falsely accusing Subject of domestic abuse and using it to obtain a Fraudulent 5- year protective order and sole custody of the children. Perpetrator retained two attorneys over the course of 6 years that coached her to lie under oath and pilfer Subject's life savings. They have tied the entire family up in endless litigation in the Corrupt NH Family Division Court System for more than 6 years now. Subject has had approximately 11 hearings over the last 6 years ranging from contempt charges to various other motions and pleadings for modification of the original parenting plan and for the Family Court to enforce its own orders against the perpetrator which The Marital Master and the Supervisory Judges have consistently chosen not to do.
Subject has had his wages garnished by The Department of Child Support Services. Subject reported to the Court that his children had been abandoned by their custodial Perpetrator. The Court opted to not intervene or investigate. The NH Family Division has blatantly violated NH Superior Court rules and has consistently ignored sworn witness testimony and clear and convincing evidence at practically every hearing. The Subject's Constitutional and parental rights have been violated regularly without articulated reason by three of the Judiciary officers involved in this ongoing case. The Subject has not seen his two sons in any frequency since June of 2007. His two sons were abandoned by their mother who, during the period of April 2009 through June of 2011, lived in Florida with her boyfriend while she left them in the unsupervised care of her elderly parents. The Subject has presented evidence to the court that his two sons were being abused while being left in his Perpetrator's parents' care. The court ignored the evidence and still allowed the Perpetrator to retain full legal full custody of the children.
On May 13th, 2011 the NH Family Division issued a final decision in this case. The Subject's two boys were ordered to relocate to Florida with their Mother and the Subject was ordered to sign a contract with yet a 2nd GAL to reopen the case, hire and sign a release of information with a therapist, and schedule yet more follow up hearings to determine if the therapist and the GAL would recommend that his parental rights should be restored. The Subject has since declined to abide by any of the NH Family Division's orders and instead has attempted to pursue justice through the Redress of Grievance process in the NH General Court. The Democratic Party's first order of agenda upon entering the House in 2013 was to violate and remove the NH peoples article 31 and 32 rights to Redress of Grievances. Subject's two sons have been experimenting with drugs and are being railroaded through the juvenile justice System in Orlando, Florida.
A Change of Climate,
A Change of Parents. This Father's Sons Move Right into Mom's Abuse