Well, it all started when I went out for a job interview November 2011 and when I came back to the home that we had lived in since October 2010, I found the door locked. When I knocked on the door my ex phoned the police and when the police arrived they seemed ok with me but asked me to leave anyway. I asked why that would be necessary and they said that I wasn't on the lease for the house which I found strange since it was my money that paid for it. Anyway, 10 months later and without getting to see my 2-year-old daughter (there was a birthday and a Christmas in the mix during that period), I finally got the matter before the court. What a joke that was. I got treated like a criminal but I got a court order in August 2012 making it possible for me to see my daughter. It was going ok until 7 months later when my ex decided I wasn't getting my court ordered contact anymore. I would have to go back to court once again but the judge did nothing and didn't help in any way. Now things are bitter and twisted with lots of court action against my ex. Still, I get left out of everything to do with my daughter's upbringing and still I get denied court ordered contact. I've been going back to court many times and it's costing me lots of money.
Dad Goes for a Job Interview -- His Ex Dusts Off and Tears Up His (Life) Resume With His Daughter