With the stroke of a pen and without any legal precendent, my rights to my

son were stripped away. I find my story unique. I have been deemed

violent to my family when all I have been through is the result of an old

friend, my spouse's boyfriend, a person not of my household. By all

interpretation of the law, nothing equates to my alleged actions as

"domestic," yet it is because of this third party that my son has been

taken from me and why I am now fighting a criminal domestic violence charge.
I may never understand how this has come to be. What I do know is that judges do not question other judges and that gender bias is deeply rooted in this syestm, a system that goes great lengths to ensure that once you're in, there's no way out. That said, until my legal issues are corrected, I am forced to endure a 52-week DV class designed by the state. In this class, I am required to admit to being a violent person. If I refuse to characterize myself that way...it's jail. All this so that my spouse
can protect her new love of two months from me, her partner of 13 years.
Tearing a father away from his son as well as severing ties between my spouse and my daughter of whom I have had custody for the past nine years is unconscionable and unbelievable. My children suffer the most here, though I feel as if my pain of anyone in this situation is the greatest. I have personally witnessed this system violate my constitutional rights over and over. I pray for my children and I look forward to getting my life back to some sort of normality. Until then, I refuse to lay down and be railrodaded through this biased system without a fight, no matter how much I must endure. I believe the end result will pay off somehow and will shed light on the injustice going on here.
His Spouse of 13 Years Dumps Him for Someone Else...then Claims Domestic Violence.